Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brummmm Brummmm !!

Everyday I take the 6:40 PM cab from office and leave for home. I get dropped near my place at around 7:10 PM. So the travelling time is 30 minutes. Then it takes me another 15 minutes to reach home :O Not because I walk slow..( well I do but really.. am not that slow) All I have to do is cross a road with major peak hour traffic .
I somehow achieve to cross half the road and then keep standing on the median waiting for the traffic to slow down to cross the second half. Thats the point when I feel like I am going to die.. and you know what one day maybe I WILL !!

So anyway... Life was hell trying to cross these roads since the traffic is non stop and there is no traffic signal or a bridge anywhere close by.
So everyday I would risk my life and cross these roads...

Then one day.. I was stuck on the median for almost 5 minutes... and the traffic was terrible... Buses were going by with great speeds and I was getting the feeling that the wind will make me lose my balance.. It was scary ! I was wondering how I should cross the road when suddenly a Black car came to a halt right in front of me.
I looked at the driver.. He was an old man.. He looked at me and waved at me signalling me to cross the road.. I ran for my life.
After i crossed the road I was amazed at how thoughtful that uncle was to actually have stopped the car for me to cross the road... :)

I dont remember the model of the car or that man's face... but am sure my good wishes must have reached him.

Well next day of course was the same old story... me fighting my way out of that traffic..
And yes when i tried stopping some cars the drivers yelled at me like I was some crazy women..
Well that made me realise how kind that old man was...
Its really unbelievable how some people... driving in this crazy traffic.. bearing this pollution and all the noise... are capable of thinking about other people !

And yes... My journey through the cars still continues !!