Wednesday, March 29, 2017


The deadly detour has finally ended, 
Am moving away from brains that are twisted. 
As I dust away the unwanted and unlearn the verses, 
Deep sense of purpose and righteousness emerges. 

I am left with humble feelings, 
The urge to understand life's true meaning. 
I feel closer to my values and heritage, 
Freed from all knots and no more in rage. 

Holding on close to who's and what's  important, 
Relieved at what puffed out of the vent. 
Life has reorganized and rebased itself,
Its easy to fit in now and get out of the shelf. 

No sense of hatred or enemity exists, 
After all my heart is only the size of my first. 
It's over filled with joy and peace, 
And I found out I am in love with cheese! 

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